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Binary options vs forex reddit

Binary options vs forex reddit

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News articles and trades ideas should be posted with your analysis or an accompanying question. Only post an article with your analysis in the comments. Also, binary options vs forex reddit, posting a link to an article you read is fine, but you are not allowed to post a link to an article you've written in hopes of gaming traffic or promoting your work, binary options vs forex reddit. General spirit of this rule: If you're really only posting here to bring attention to yourself or your site, regardless of the context or how "free" the content is, you shouldn't post it here, binary options vs forex reddit.

Content marketing is not allowed. Advertising trading contests is not allowed. This includes posts that state "PM me for details". Binary options vs forex reddit would fall under rules 2 and 3, but is being explicitly stated to emphasize the importance of the rule. No insults or attacks of any kind. Abusive posters will be banned.

We don't care if they called you names first; report the abuse to us and we will deal with the offending party getting into a name calling spat will likely just get all parties involved banned. Want to post a trade?

Just provide context for the trade and give us an analysis such as the reason you took it and where your outs are. There are a plethora of subs devoted to the various crypto topics, binary options vs forex reddit. This sub deals with fiat currencies backed by governments. Refrain from discussing crypto. Also, any conspiracy thought about crypto replacing Forex is considered a troll post and will see that poster escorted out. Forex vs Options self. I'm a college student looking to get involved in trading.

Just wanted to know some advantages and disadvantages of trading Options and Forex. Thanks in advance. As a forex and newly starting Option trader, i would say the major difference is the strategy used to trade. You'll find helpful posts and users that'll help you learn. Easier to learn. You'll find a lot more idiots and assholes when learning options from others. Not even remotely joking about this.

So the elitists quickly get drowned out by the skeptics, because in FX, everybody is a pro and everybody is a skeptic. It's just from my experience on talking to various option traders in forums, chat rooms, binary options vs forex reddit, ect. I found most of them very cocky self centered assholes. They're the type of people who answers noobie questions with "God that question is so stupid, i'm going to say something sarcastic instead of answering a stupid question.

I'm not sure about the idiots and assholes part. I'd say the ratio of forex scams to options scams weighs heavily on the side of forex. If scamming someone with worthless systems and indicators is not an asshole move I'm not sure what is. But the amount of money they charge to learn it is crazy though. In forex they try to at least teach different ways of trading even if they suck, but i've also found che.

EDIT: They're not idiots, i'm basically saying that i despise a lot of them from reddit and 2 other option forums. You're probably the first option guy i met that's actually genuinely nice and helpful. It is a regulated market at a central exchange with high minimums and pattern day trader specifications making it next to impossible for get rich quick folks to jump into unknowingly unless they have 25k to drop.

Play around in demo, but definitely learn how to trade. Don't go live until you're profitable for at least 1 month and have made dozens of trades. And know why each trade has succeeded or failed. Like therebel says vanilla options can get very complex when you get into it. Not saying that forex isnt but its easier to understand. Somone will probably tell me I'm wrong but as I understand it The Forex markets are much more liquid more money about binary options vs forex reddit supposed to be less open to manipulation than options.

Share prices can be artificial pushed higher then sold the old pump and dump or big chunks sold to drop the price then bought up at a lower price. To do this with forex markets you'd need a massive amount of money to do it. Options are dragsters. The go 0 to in the a few heartbeats. Sometimes they reach the finish line, sometimes they instantly explode into a million pieces. They are in my experience. There are many ways to use them, though; spreads tend to be less dragster-like, binary options vs forex reddit.

While in forex you can get margin called. That's why there's so many scalpels in forex, and not much at all in options. Binary options vs forex reddit option is to trade Futures. E-mini's are really popular right now and there are no trading limits. Plus, the fundamentals on a lot of commodities is pretty simple to understand.

Like if a hurricane is coming binary options vs forex reddit the Gulf the price of oil will probably go up Binary options vs forex reddit question is ill-posed and does not make sense - it's similar to "car vs. Forex is a market; there is a number of financial instruments you can use to trade in it. Typically, forex brokers offer you "contracts for differences" CFDhighly unregulated over-the-counter instruments that do not necessarily move real money or let you own any foreign currencies.

Please read up more on it and do not just believe the ill-informed half-knowledge in some internet boards. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy.

All rights reserved. Forex comments. Want to join? Log in or sign up in seconds. Submit new content. Get an ad-free experience with special benefits, and directly support Reddit.

Also, posting a link to an article you read is fine, but you are not allowed to post a link to an article you've written in hopes of gaming traffic or promoting your work 2 No links to your blog, your YouTube channel, or your social media insta, twitter, etc. This includes posts that state "PM me for details" 4 Zero Tolerance on the Promotion of your Chatroom or Trader Group Perma-ban This would fall under rules 2 and 3, but is being explicitly stated to emphasize the importance of the rule.

Please keep them to the weekends and holidays only. Mods reserve the right to remove any posts without explanation. Welcome to Reddit, the front binary options vs forex reddit of the internet. Become a Redditor and join one of thousands of communities.

Forex submitted 6 years ago by drewjack3. Want to add to the discussion? Post a comment! Create an account. They are the hipsters of the trading world EDIT2: Gold for your help.

I don't even know wtf they do. However the options market is a bit tougher to which in a way is a good thing to prevent scams. Binary options vs forex reddit be tempted by binary options - horrible things invented to scam you from you money. They are both great instruments, but Forex will be far more forgiving and easier to learn.

It's the other way around.

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binary options vs forex reddit

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